(tekerlek) çok titremek

listen to the pronunciation of (tekerlek) çok titremek
Türkçe - İngilizce
An abnormal vibration, especially in the wheels of a vehicle
To vibrate abnormally, as a broken wheel
To shake the body as if dancing the shimmy
To climb something (e.g. a pole) gradually (e.g. using alternately one's arms then one's legs.)

The static made her dress shimmy up her leg.

A chemise
Alternating shoulder movements forward and backward
{f} dance the shimmy (style of jazz dance); wobble, vibrate (as of vehicle tires)
{i} style of jazz dance from the 1920s characterized by rhythmic shaking of the shoulders and hips; abnormal vibration (in the tires of a vehicle, etc.)
To climb sometime (e.g. a pole) gradually (e.g. using alternately ones arms then ones legs.)
an abnormal wobble in a motor vehicle (especially in the fromt wheels); "he could feel the shimmy in the steering wheel"
dance a shimmy
dance a shimmy tremble or shake; "His voice wobbled with restrained emotion
Shoulder Shrug: Alternating shoulder movements forward and backward at a rapid rate, keeping in time to the music
lively dancing (usually to ragtime music) with much shaking of the shoulders and hips an abnormal wobble in a motor vehicle (especially in the fromt wheels); "he could feel the shimmy in the steering wheel"
A sleeveless chemise
a woman's sleeveless undergarment
tremble or shake; "His voice wobbled with restrained emotion"
is an alternating forward and backward shoulder, hip or body movement to the beat and rhythm of the music
(tekerlek) çok titremek