(röntgen equivalent man) röntgen eşdeğer insan

listen to the pronunciation of (röntgen equivalent man) röntgen eşdeğer insan
Türkçe - İngilizce
(Nükleer Bilimler) rem
A dose of absorbed radiation equivalent to one roentgen of X-rays or gamma rays
: rapid eye movement, a sleep state
The phase of the sleep cycle where there are "rapid eye movements," and dreaming occurs
A measure of radiation dose related to biological effect
(Roentgen Equivalent Man) the dosage of ionizing radiation that will cause the same amount of injury to human tissue as 1 roentgen of X-rays
A measure of dose deposited in body tissue, averaged over the body One rem is approximately the dose from any radiation corresponding to exposure to one röntgen of g radiation The rem is no longer accepted for use with the International System One rem is 10 sieverts
A unit of absorbed radiation dose adjusted for biologic effects equivalent to 1 rad of 25OKV X-rays (dental and cephalometric X-rays require less than 100KV)
A unit of ionizing radiation in human tissue, equivalent to one roentgen of x-rays
The rem is a unit used to derive a quantity called equivalent dose This relates the absorbed dose in human tissue to the effective biological damage of the radiation Equivalent dose is often expressed in terms of thousandths of a rem, or mrem
A unit of radiation absorbed dose equal to the product of the rads of absorbed radiation times the RBE
An acronym for Roentgen Equivalent Man A unit which measures radiation in terms of the energy involved (the same as RAD), weighted by a factor related to the type of radiation For the types of radiation used in radiologic procedures this factor is equal to one, so the REM is equivalent to the RAD
a unit of radiation dosage that accounts for both the energy of the dose and its effectiveness in causing biological damage (from roentgen equivalent for man)
Roentgen equivalent man, a unit used in radiation protection to measure the amount of damage to human tissue from a dose of ionizing radiation Incorporates the health risks from radiation
roentgen equivalent in man
Rapid eye movement - a sleep state
a unit of nuclear radiation (dose) equivalent, (radiation equivalent for mammals) An average person is exposed to 300 mrem/year
A unit for measuring absorbed doses of radiation received by the body that includes an adjustment for the intensity of the damage to one or more cells Rem is the abbreviation of roentgen equivalent man
Measure of biological effect of radiation (dose equivalent) Now superseded by the sievert (Sv) : 1 Sv = 100 rems
A unit of radiation dose equivalent One rem equals the amount of ionizing radiatio of any type which produces the same damage to humans as 1 roentgen of approximately 200 kilo volts x-radiation (The unit is the abbreviation of Roentgen Equivalent Man )
measure of the accumulation of radioactivity received over a period of time related to the amount of damage caused to living tissue