(karara) sadık kalmak

listen to the pronunciation of (karara) sadık kalmak
Türkçe - İngilizce
(deyim) abide by
To accept a decision or law and act in accordance with it; to conform to; to acquiesce; as, to abide by an award
To remain faithful to something or someone; to stand to; to adhere

The poor fellow was obstinate enough to abide by what he said at first.

act in accordance with someone's rules, commands, or wishes; "He complied with my instructions"; "You must comply or else!"; "Follow these simple rules"; "abide by the rules"
If you abide by a law, agreement, or decision, you do what it says you should do. They have got to abide by the rules. = observe
obey, comply with -
show respect towards; "honor your parents!"
(karara) sadık kalmak