(isim)fret teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
- miso
- (Gıda) is a traditional Japanese food produced by fermenting rice, barley and/or soybeans, with salt and the mold (the most typical miso is made with soy). The typical result is a thick paste used for sauces and spreads, pickling vegetables or meats, and mixing with dashi soup stock to serve as miso soup called , a Japanese culinary staple. High in protein and rich in vitamins and minerals, miso played an important nutritional role in feudal Japan. Miso is still very widely used in Japan, both in traditional and modern cooking, and has been gaining world-wide interest. Miso is typically salty, but its flavor and aroma depend on various factors in the ingredients and fermentation process. Different varieties of miso have been described as salty, sweet, earthy, fruity, and savoury, and there is an extremely wide variety of miso available
- a thick paste made by fermentation of soybeans; used in making soups and sauces
- Japanese fermented bean paste
- A fermented paste made from soybeans, sea salt, and rice or barely Used in soups, stews, spreads, baking, and as a seasoning
- a japanese paste made from fermented soya beans
- a salty paste made from cooked, ages soybeans and sometimes grains; thick and spreadable, it's also used for flavoring soup bases; available in several varieties; darker varieties tend to be stronger flavored and saltier than lighter varieties
- soup: a soup that is usually drunk from a cup at meals; many variations exist, but the basic ingredients include toufuu (=bean curd), and miso, another soy bean preparation, though I don't know the exact process - the result is a dark, thick paste that tastes mostly of soy sauce ^_^
- Fermented soybean paste made with rice, barley, or soybean malt
- {i} fermented soy paste that is often used to make soup or as a seasoning
- A puree made of fermented soybeans, a grain and salt Most typical use is in soup Miso's most remarkable quality is as a digestive aid It is a predigested food that actually helps digest other foods Mugi (barley) is the most common used Hacho = soy Kome = rice Shiro = light
- Soybean paste, made from cooked yellow soybeans, salt, grain and koji It is aged from several months to several years By varying its constituents, a wide range of tastes, characteristics and energetic qualities can be produced
- A salty paste made from soybeans and other grains, used primarily as a seasoning Miso ranges from dark and strongly-flavored to light, smooth and delicately-flavored Keeps several months in the refrigerator, tightly covered Available from most grocery stores and Oriental markets
- A fermented grain or bean paste made from ingredients such as soybeans, barley and rice There are many varieties of miso now available Barley (mugi) or soybean (hatcho) miso is usually recommended for daily use Miso is especially for the circulatory and digestive organs It is high in protein and Vitamin B12
- A paste of fermented soybeans used as a flavoring agent in much of Japanese cuisine Generally, the lighter the color, the milder the flavor Miso is easy to digest and is extremely nutritious
- This fermented Japanese paste has three basic categories-barley miso, rice shiro miso and soybean miso Available shrink wrapped and in jars in Asian markets
- isim
- name
I couldn't remember their names.
- Onların isimlerini hatırlayamadım.
Their names are Tom and Ken.
- Onların isimleri Tom ve Ken'dir.
- isim
- noun
A noun can be singular or plural.
- Bir isim tekil veya çoğul olabilir.
All German nouns are written with the first letter capitalized.
- Almanca'da bütün isimler büyük harfle yazılır.
- afişteki isim
- headline
- isim
- first name
In France, the first name goes before the surname.
- Fransa'da isim soyadından önce gelir.
The first name on the list is Tom.
- Listedeki ilk isim Tom'dur.
- isim hatası
- misnomer
- isim vermek
- dub
- bilimsel isim
- (Denizbilim) scientific name
- isim
- praenomen
- isim
- designatio
- isim
- christian name
- isim cümlecikleri
- (Dilbilim) noun clauses
- isim cümlesi
- (Dilbilim) noun clause
- isim hakkı kullanma
- (Ticaret) franchising
- isim koyan
- denominator
- isim koymak
- call
- isim levhası
- name-plate
- isim tabelası
- escutcheon
- isim takmak
- style
- isim tamlaması
- (Dilbilim) possessive construction
- isim ve rütbe listesi
- (Askeri) muster roll
- isim verilmiş varlıklar
- (Bilgisayar) named entities
- isim vermek
- denominate
- isim vermek
- give a name
- isim vermek
- entitle
- isim yapmak
- become famous
- isim çözümleme
- (Bilgisayar) name resolution
- isim-fiil
- gerund
- soy isim
- surname
- windows internet isim hizmeti
- windows internet name service
- yolcu isim kaydı
- passenger name record
- Güle başka isim verseler de yine gül
- (Atasözü) A rose by another name would smell as sweet
- isim
- reputation
- isim babası
- father. a man who creates, originates, or founds something.the person who glossed it
- isim hali
- case
- isim soylu
- (Dilbilim) Nominal
- kırım hanlarının veliahtlarına verilen isim
- the name given to the Crown Inn carnage
- soy isim
- last name
- özel isim
- Proper noun
- alay etmek için isim takma
- name-calling
- cins isim
- common noun
- cins isim
- appellative name
- den halinde isim fiil
- supine
- eksik isim
- (Denizbilim) nomen imperfectum
- eksiksiz isim
- (Denizbilim) nomen inviolatum
- gereksiz isim
- (Denizbilim) nomen superfluum
- geçici isim
- (Denizbilim) nomen provisorium
- gizli isim
- cryptonym
- i halinde isim fiil
- supine
- ikinci isim
- byname
- ilk isim
- forename
- isim
- denomination
- isim
- record
- isim
- name (of a person or thing), appellation
- isim
- gram. noun
- isim
- title (of a book, a painting, a musical composition, etc.)
- isim
- person: Bertan'ın hayatında yeni isimler var artık. Bertan's got new people in his life now
- isim
- forename
- isim
- name; title; noun; reputation, name
- isim
- given name
- isim
- appellation
- isim
- designation
- isim
- (Hukuk) substantive
- isim
- title
- isim
- character
- isim
- repute
- isim
- moniker
- isim açıklamamak
- name no names
- isim cinsi
- gender
- isim cümlesi gram
- sentence that has "to be" as its main verb
- isim defterine kaydeden
- enroller
- isim etiketi
- nametag
- isim fiil
- gerund
- isim fiil
- verbal
- isim fiil
- verbal noun
- isim fişi
- name ticket
- isim hali
- locative case
- isim hali
- locative
- isim hali gram. case
- (of a noun)
- isim ile ilgili
- nounal
- isim kartı
- name card
- isim kartı
- name tag
- isim koymak
- name
- isim koymak
- christen
- isim koymak
- baptize
- isim koymak
- to give (someone, something) a name, name
- isim levhası
- plate
- isim levhası
- signboard
- isim levhası
- sign
- isim levhası
- nameplate
- isim listesi
- scrip
- isim niteliğinde
- substantival
- isim okuyarak oylama
- (Politika, Siyaset) vote by roll call
- isim olarak kullanılan
- substantive
- isim olarak tanımak
- know somebody by name
- isim olarak tanımak
- know by name
- isim panosu
- telegraph
- isim panosu
- telegraph board
- isim plâkası
- escutcheon
- isim plâkası
- scutcheon
- isim takmak
- nickname
- isim takmak
- to nickname
- isim takımı gram
- two or more nouns grammatically related as possessor and possessed or modifier and modified
- isim tamlaması gram
- two or more nouns linked together to form a grammatical unit (e.g. okulun bahçesi, kız lisesi, altın saat)
- isim ve adres
- name and address
- isim veren kişi
- namer
- isim vererek göstermek
- designate with a term
- isim verilmesi gereken
- namable
- isim vermeden konuşmak
- tell anonymously
- isim vermek
- term
- isim vermek
- name names
Tom didn't want to name names.
- Tom isim vermek istemedi.
I don't want to name names.
- İsim vermek istemiyorum.
- isim vermek
- name
To give names to celestial objects, astronomers use Latin.
- Astronomlar gök nesnelere isim vermek için Latince kullanır.
Tom didn't want to name names.
- Tom isim vermek istemedi.
- isim vermek
- to name, to give a name
- isim vermek
- to name, give (someone, something) a name
- isim vermek
- mention names
- isim yapmak
- to become famous
- isim yapmak
- to become famous, make a name for oneself
- isim yapmak
- make a name
- isim yoklaması
- roll call
- isim yortusu
- name day
- isim öğretisi
- (Edebiyat) onomatodoxy
- isim şeklinde olma
- substantive
- isim/değer ikilileri
- (Bilgisayar) name/value pairs
- ismin -e halindeki isim
- (Dilbilim) indirect object
- kapı isim plâkası
- doorplate
- kimyasal isim
- chemical name
- kitabın içine yapıştırılan isim etiketi
- bookplate
- sahte isim
- alias
- sahte isim
- (Edebiyat) allonym
- sahte isim kullanma
- personation
- standart isim
- (Askeri) standard nomenclature
- sıfır isim
- (Denizbilim) nomen nullum
- tekil isim
- singular
In English, we should use the pronouns a or an before singular nouns like house, dog, radio, computer, etc.
- İngilizcede a ya da an gibi zamirleri house, dog, radio, computer, v.b. tekil isimlerin önünde kullanırız.
- uzun isim
- (Askeri) long title
- yanlış isim kullanma
- misnomer
- yasak isim
- (Denizbilim) nomen vetitum
- yeni isim
- (Denizbilim) nomen novum
- yeni isim koymak
- rename
- yerine zamir gelen isim
- antecedent
- yüklem oluşturan isim
- predicate noun