(isim) ortolan

listen to the pronunciation of (isim) ortolan
Türkçe - İngilizce
A small European migratory bunting, Emberiza hortulana, once eaten whole as a delicacy

the last flavor Mitterand wished to savor belonged to the flesh of the endangered ortolan, a songbird the size of a human toe that is a crime to buy or hunt, and is certainly illegal to eat. Mitterand devoured it in the traditional manner, first covering his head with an embroidered cloth, then inserting the entire bird into his mouth. Only its head should dangle out from between your lips. Bite off the head and discard.

Any of various similar birds, especially the bobolink, sora, or snow bunting
{n} a small but very delicate bird
It is esteemed delicious food when fattened
{i} short-billed grayish bird whose meat is considered a delicacy (native to Europe, Asia, and Africa)
A small European migratory bunting, Emberiza hortulana, once eaten as a delicacy
In England, the wheatear (Saxicola œnanthe)
A European singing bird (Emberiza hortulana), about the size of the lark, with black wings
Called also bunting
brownish Old World bunting often eaten as a delicacy
In America, the sora, or Carolina rail (Porzana Carolina)