(isim) humus

listen to the pronunciation of (isim) humus
Türkçe - İngilizce
organic material consisting of decayed vegetable matter It provides nutrients for plants and allows soil to better hold water
A brown or black organic substance consisting of partially or wholly decayed vegetable or animal matter that provides nutrients for plants and increases the ability of soil to retain water
A large group of natural organic compounds, found in the soil, formed from the chemical and biological decomposition of plant and animal residues and from the synthetic activity of microorganisms
Partially decomposed organic soil material
Total of the organic compounds in soil exclusive of undecayed plant and animal tissues, their "partial decomposition" products, and the soil biomass The term is often used synonymously with soil organic matter
The end result of successful composting is humus It is the rich, dark, and fine mixture of decomposed organic materials Humus contains the microorganisms necessary for healthy soil, as well as a ready supply of the macro- and micro-nutrients necessary for healthy plants Use humus in the garden to condition and amend soil Mix it with the soil for general improvement or use it to side-dress hungry plants
A general term for the more or less decomposed plant and animal residues in the lower organic soil layer
Decomposed organic material (Source: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, 1990)
It is a valuable constituent of soils
Dark colored semi-soluble organic substance formed from decomposition of soil organic matter
The well decomposed, relatively stable portion of the partly or wholly decayed organic matter in a soil, which provides nutrients and helps the soil retain moisture
decomposed plant and animal material that is part of the soil Humus is a product of composting Top
) - SOM does not include soil biomass (roots, bulbs, etc ) or soil fauna (Insects, worms, other animals) SOM consists of a wide variety of organic compounds that form the most chemically and biologically active component of the soil Many of the compounds are fairly short-lived in the soil, being consumed or transformed by soil biota with the carbon released through respiration Some of the compounds are gradually transformed into longer-lived forms, however, and the most stable soil organic compounds have been radiocarbon dated to ages of thousands of years Soil organic matter is a key component affecting water intake rates, water holding capacity, soil fertility, and the stability of soil structures Thus, SOM is directly correlated with soil quality and productivity, and building and maintaining healthy SOM levels is a basic goal for soil and water conservation as well as sustainable agriculture or forestry
Humus is the part of soil which consists of dead plants that have begun to decay. a Greek food made from a soft mixture of chickpeas, oil, and garlic. soil made of decayed plants, leaves etc which is good for growing plants compost. Nonliving, finely divided organic matter in soil, derived from microbial decomposition of plant and animal substances. Ranging in colour from brown to black, it consists primarily of carbon but also contains nitrogen and smaller amounts of phosphorus and sulfur. As it decomposes, its components are changed into forms usable by plants. Humus is classified according to how well it is incorporated into the mineral soil, the types of organisms involved in its decomposition, and the vegetation from which it is derived. It is valued by farmers and gardeners because it provides nutrients essential for plant growth, increases the soil's water absorption, and improves soil workability
The well-decomposed, more or less stable part of the organic matter of the soil
An alternative spelling of hummus
From the Latin word for earth or ground, humus is the organic matter in quality soil The reason we work compost into our soil is to increase the humus level which improves the quality and health of the soil
A dark coloured fraction of soil organic matter formed during the decomposition of organic residues
The part of the soil profile that is composed of decomposed organic matter from dead and decaying plants and animals
Dead organic material derived from decomposition of plant and microbial wastes