the manual removal, close to or flush with the stem, of side branches, live or dead, and of multiple leaders from standing, generally plantation-grown trees Pruning is carried out to improve the market value of the final wood product by producing knot-free wood for the improvement of the tree or its timber
The removal of branches from a tree stem, usually from the bottom up, in order to improve wood quality or reduce the chance of fire moving into the tree crown
The cutting and removing of a plants twigs or buds to improve or maintain its health or direct its growth
The practice of cutting or pinching back the shoots, leaves and stems of a tree or shrub to control the growth rate and shape of the plant
Making small cuts with a pruning tool to remove damaged and dead branches Pruning controls the size and shape of plants as they grow, spurs the production of fruits and flowers and eliminates dead or infected parts of plants
Eliminating lower level splits or entire sub-trees in a decision tree This term is also used to describe algorithms that adjust the topology of a neural net by removing (i e , pruning) hidden nodes
The act of cutting off various parts of grape wines, usually in winter when the vines are dormant Pruning develops the shapes of wines when they are young and controls the growth, fruit quantity (and therefore, quality) of producing wines
v To use one's bike or helmet to remove leaves and branches from the surrounding flora Usually unintentional