(isim) alman birası

listen to the pronunciation of (isim) alman birası
Türkçe - İngilizce
A type of beer, brewed using a bottom-fermenting yeast
Alternative spelling of laager
Lager is the general term for a bottom fermenting beer Lagers are fermented at cold temperatures for up to 2 weeks and then are "lagered" for up to 3 months at temperatures approaching freezing The word "lager" comes from the German word meaning "to store "
A classification of beer styles made with a bottom fermenting yeast, lagers generally are smooth, elegant, crisp, and clean Lagering/Aging/ColdConditioning/Ruh Storage: A period of one to many weeks following or including fermentation in which the temperature of the beer is slowly reduced This helps reduce the harsher secondary products of fermentation, while clarifying and mellowing the beer Lambic: Wheat beer originally produced in the Bruxelloise region of Belgium with a strong acidic character from the spontaneous fermentation from wild yeast Lautering/Mash Filtration: The separation of solids (the mash) from the liquid malt extract called wort Lauter Tun: One of the vessels used in the brewing process, used to filter the liquid wort from the solid mash Lauter Tuns usually have a false bottom which opens up to filter the mash Light Ale: In England, an alternative term for bottled bitter In Scotland, a dark ale of low gravity
Any beer that is bottom fermented (the yeast rests on the bottom of the fermenting vessel under the beer) is usually refered to as a lager Specifically there are 5 types of lagers: Pilsner, Dortmunder, Bock, Vienna (a k a Octoberfest), and Munich Most of the commercial beers brewed in the world are lagers
a camp defended by a circular formation of wagons
From the German word to store, lagers represent a major family of beers They have a longer and cooler fermentation period than ales, and are brewed with bottom-fermenting yeast Most German and North American beers are lagers
Lager is a type of light beer. a pint of lager He claims to sell the widest range of beers and lagers in the world. A glass of lager can be referred to as a lager. Hewitt ordered a lager. a light-coloured beer, or a glass of this type of beer can/bottle/glass etc of lager (lagerbier , from lager + bier )
Lager beer
(1) To store beer at low temperatures for a period of weeks or months prior to consumption (2) Beer that has been lagered
Literally, to store More specifically, in brewing practice, "lager" means to gradually lower a beer to near freezing temperatures after primary fermentation Once a temperature of 32°F - 35°F is attained, the lagering phase often lasts for two to three weeks with top-fermented beers or one to six months for bottom-fermented beers
A type of beer of German origin that contains a relatively small amount of hops and is aged from six weeks to six months to allow sedimentation Also called lager beer [German, short for Lagerbier : Lager, storehouse, cellar from Middle High German leger, from Old High German legar, bed, lair ] German - lag, liegen, verb; to lie, leave be
By this definition ale is a traditional style found mainly in Britain and Northwest Europe and characterised by relatively high fermentation and serving temperatures, top-fermenting yeast strains and specialist malts and hops This technical characterisation, however, only came to prominence during the rise of Brit-lager in the mid-twentieth century
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"To store " A long, cold period of subdued fermentation and sedimentation to active (primary) fermentation Any beer produced with bottom-fermenting or lager yeast
Beer that is stored in its cask or vat until free of sediment and crystal clear It's a light, bubbly, golden brew that ranks as America's most popular
{i} lager beer, type of beer which is made using a small amount of hops and is aged from six weeks to six months
A type of beer A type of yeast (see Ale) Also, to cold condition beer by slowly dropping the temperature at the end of secondary fermentation The temperature is brought down to about 32 F (0C) Once it's there, it stays for a while This gives clearer, cleaner tasting beer
Any beer which has been fermented at cool temperatures using a cold-tolerant (lager) yeast, then stored cold for anywhere from several weeks to several months, to smooth out the flavor
Beers made from bottom-fermenting yeast and aged at near-freezing temperatures