The peculiar fitting in shape, number, and arrangement of sails and masts, by which different types of vessels are distinguished; as, schooner rig, ship rig, etc
{f} set up, make ready for use; equip, furnish with supplies or equipment; falsify, tamper with, manipulate fraudulently; dress, clothe (Informal); fit or install sails on a sailboat
Overhead apparatus with a belt, ropes, pulleys and fittings allowing the coach to provide remote support for a move whilst learning
What you would think of as 'The Parachute' in the phrase 'To Wear a Parachute' Consists of a Harness, Container, Main Parachute, Reserve Parachute and the means of deploying each parachute
Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological Site: a site containing important geological or geomorphological features in the regional context (see Section 4 0, Natural Environment)